" Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it." -Osho

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Of 16th April till 17th

Hello~ moto!
Pak Aji naik moto.
Okey, sudah la mengarut tiga baris.

Time for the real blog entry!

Hai, semua orang! Apa khabar? Sihat Ke? Buat apa hari ni?(Cewah macam host rancangan kanak-kanak jer? Haha).

Hari ni tamat lah perbicaraan 2 hari kes perebutan tanah oleh tuan rumah dan occupant yang aku ikuti sejak mula-mula masuk chambering lagi. Kes ni start bulan Feb 2012, firm kitorang, yakni. Messrs. The Chambers of Waran mewakili pemilik berdaftar sebagai Plaintif, menyaman occupants (Defendan) yang duduk rumah itu, tanpa membayar purchase price, mahupun sewa, mahupun deposit 10% walaupun sudah 3 tahun menetap di rumah itu dan renovate secukup garam dan gula mereka.

Masa aku masuk chambering pada Sep 2012 yang lalu, kes ni dah sampai tahap Pelaksanaan, di mana Plaintif(anakguam kitorang) dah menang kes, dapat Perintah mahkamah, tapi Defendan masih tak mahu menyerahkan pemilikan kosong (vacant possession) kepada  tuanrumah. So, minta polis dan bailiff dalam Perintah Pelaksanaan, menghalau (Omaigod jahatnya perkataan ni tapi direct google translate, so, sorry. Hehe) Occupants tersebut keluar dari hartanah tersebut. Dengar cerita dari Masterji ku, sangat DRAMA, menangis2 menjerit2 bergaduh2. Biasa lah, Hindustan.

Kemudian peguamcara Defendan merayu dan merayu  dan merayu (bukan yang melutut menangis tu, tapi prosedur Rayuan/ Appeal di Mahkamah Tinggi ye, adik-adik! ) sehingga lah Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi yang ketiga, akhirnya menghantar semula kes ni untuk bicara semula (Re-trial) di Mahkamah Sesyen Bandar Baru Bangi. So, here! We! Are! \(^o^)/

From what I see, it is clear that the owner/registered owner had the indefeasible entitlement to the land. Furthermore, both parties have signed an agreement that whatever renovation made is under the Occupants’ own risk, and the purchase price which is below market price, to be paid within 3 months. 

None of the payment was adhered, so? What the owner have left but to terminate the agreement and get back his land? The Occupants were contending that since they have renovated the house nicely, the owner is trying to get advantages and get the house, terminate the agreement, and sell it off for a higher price to another person. But well, everyone have their own version of story, can’t wait to see which side the learned Judge decide to be in favour of. Hee!

Kerja aku di situ pula adalah meminitkan dan menyalin dengan tekun semua soalan dalam Pemeriksaan Balas (Cross-Examination) dan Pemeriksaan Semula (Re-Examination). 26 muka surat semua nya fuhhhh. Habis setengah dakwat pen aku. Rasa macam reporter sekejap. Hyuk hyuk hyuk (ketawa fesyen baru)

I learnt a lot from this case, many many thanks to my Master, Mr. Vignesh Raju. I lap yu lah sir! I won’t probably forget this case , no matter how many years pass by. 

Oh daymn, aku kena buat hujahan and otoriti untuk kes ni.



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