" Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it." -Osho

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


It's Here! It's Here! KiTAAAA~XD

Finally! The tyme for:

1. Fangirling n Drooling over kakkoi Cosplayer (oh! Oh! hope that abg shinigami I've met last yer will b there! N Miss Super Cool Roxette!! XDD)

2. Spend n spend n spend!! (for mangas n plushies n-maybe kawaii doujins. Hee)

3.PikCha! PikCha! Any Manga-ka n Doujin-ka within sight range will never get away from me! Wahahaha~ (Sori babah. I'm going to kidnap ur newly-bought RM985 Handy Cam! muahaha*super duper ultimate extremely evil laughter*)
4. Finding as much as I can-- Sketch Books (wahaha. Only 4 Comic artists' signatures)
But I'm still thinking who should I go with?
Reiko ?(essential but im afraid she already found someone to go with)
Patty ?(great too. but kesian plak mau ajak dia p jauh2 bgitu)
Fitri ?(n later died out of lung cancer. Great.)
Nevertheless. I still got a month to think about that.. but the most important + greatest facts are:(Finally..!)
Im too old for my mum's don't-go-anywhere-without-permission preaches
Im having soooo much free tyme -- since the semester isn't starting yet. HoYe!!
Im living outside (wahaha. I can go home n go out anytyme. Yeah Baby. SHwEET)
Im getting my driving license (I can smellll~ the Infinity of Freedom. Oyeh!)
Money shortage really isnt helping.
waaaaahhh T^T
*buying a month's stock of megi*
Who cares? Im Going!

1 orang cakap..:

Anonymous said...

knapa ko letak gambar bihun tom yam??haha

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