" Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it." -Osho

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Gud MowNing Malaysia!!

Hari ni bila aku bgn dari tidure, (spt biasa) aku check henpon dlu- oleh kerana simkad ku (yg bodo asik nk rosak ja) tak dapat dgunakan, aku gna no Lajen.

"3 Messages Received"

ohooo.. *bukak msj*

1- dari Patty- "Noby..Ari ni ko drumahkah?" (Uik? sapa kata. aku kat Las Vegas laa. haha. Apala. msti la ku kat umah)

2- Dari Biskut- "As'kum.. Cyg tgh watpe 2? Tdo lg ke?" (hee. malu malu)

3- Dari Faddy- "mownink bdk kepam. bgn r asik tdo je cmne x debab." (HEYYY!! haw derey yu sei laik dat tu mi??)

haha. That's y I LOVE my phone. setiap kali aku buka msj n to think that someone even bother to ask how're m i doing everyday.. I FEEL DAMN HAPPY.

N while gazing at the space (blum bgn lg dr katil nih).. I try to remember my acti5 numbers..

1. Patty the Cepat-Lapar-Girl

2. Cheah the tak-reti-bgn-tido-before-pukul 1 ptg-Girl

3. Amirul the BisKut-Prince

4. Natata the suka-wat-assumption-sndri-yg-complicated-Girl

5.Reiko the penggila-NEWs

Well, being someone's Acti5 must meant alot eh?

To anyone who ever texted me, Thank You Soooo Much!! I Love u All!

p/s: Patty kata she was actually intended to come to my house. Why didn't u tell me so. I shoulda got up earlier. Dammit. Waaaa

1 orang cakap..:

Anonymous said...

sapa suruh bgn lambat..hukhuk..

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